What is an Antenna? In order to understand metamaterial antenna, we first need to understand “what is an antenna?” An antenna is a device that radiates the signals in the form of electromagnetic (EM) energy in space. The traditional antennas are smaller in dimensions in comparison to their operational wavelength

What is VANTA black? The term VANTA is an acronym derived from the Vertically Aligned Nano-Tube Array or in short VANTA. Usually, the nanotubes in this design are made up of carbon. Since the colors we observe are usually the corresponding wavelengths of the solar spectrum in the visible domain

Metamaterial/ Metasurface absorbers In the previous post about classical perfect light absorbers, we discussed the thin film based absorbers in the shape of Salisbury screen absorbers and Jaumann absorbers. Now, these thin film based absorbers, especially the Salisbury screen, can be titled as an early demonstration of metasurface absorbers as